
Travis Helms

is an Episcopal priest and Founder + Director of LOGOS. Having served as an Executive Director of EcoTheo Collective from 2020-winter 2024, he is passionate about exploring the connection between theology and the imagination. His doctoral thesis, which focuses on theological dimensions in the work of four American poets Emerson, Whitman, Stevens and Crane, is being turned into a book, forthcoming from Pickwick Publications (Wipf & Stock). His academic writing has appeared in Book 2.0 and in North American Review’s Every Atom Project. He was the inaugural William W. Cook Frost Place Fellow, runner-up for the John Kinsella / Tracy Ryan Poetry Prize, and winner of the Arthur Sale Poetry Prize (Cambridge, UK). His poems have appeared in Noesis (UK), New Haven Review, and Desperate Literature: the 2019 Unamuno Festival Anthology.