Locked Out, Locked In, Interlocking

The images in this collage showcase my ongoing fascination with visual themes and textures. In curating them for EcoTheo’s Entanglement and Liberation issue, I was interested in the ways that everything in the world is already and always entangled, and the subsequent idea that spiritual liberation is connected to our understanding of what it means to be inherently entangled with nature, each other, and even our own identities and experiences. Also related to this idea is the problem of seeking personal liberation in ways that deny or distort these fundamental entanglements.

Les James

Les James is an emerging writer and visual artist exploring interweaving themes about science, nature,  spirituality, and social justice and healing. Her poetic verses have appeared or are forthcoming in Michigan Quarterly Review Online; When We Exhale: An Anthology of Black Women Rooted In Ancestral Medicine; The Future of Black: Afrofuturism, Black Comics, and Superhero Poetry; and elsewhere. Her artwork has appeared or is forthcoming in EcoTheo Review, Edge Effects, and Geez. She identifies as a Black, sci-fi fantasy loving, cis-female person of the global majority, and enjoys extended walks, expansive conversations, and extra spicy food. Find her work at www.mallessa.com


Living the Harmony Way