The Daily Reckoning: An Interview with Makenna Goodman
Vermont poet Michael Metivier speaks with Vermont novelist Makenna Goodman about her debut, The Shame (Milkweed, 2020). With humor and vivacity, the book charts the internal struggles of its narrator, Alma.
On Adoration: An Interview with Joyelle McSweeney
As an artist I’m always interested in things that are double but not binary—that is, they have a doubleness to them that includes an infernal superposition where both are true—or not true—at once.
An Interview with Ellen Davis
We spoke via Zoom (as don’t we all, these days) with Dr. Ellen Davis in the days immediately following the Trumpist terrorist attack on the United States Capitol. Dr. Davis is Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology at Duke Divinity School.