Upright Tower*
Language of posture,
of morals: upright, good
and crooked, bad. Think:
when is it that the body curves,
bends, ripples? When it dances,
straddles, leans into a kiss;
slouches on the couch
with Netflix playing, curled up
in a nap; whenever the body
most enjoys itself. Upright
is the posture of waiting,
presenting, sometimes
praying or singing, moments
with their own joys but
not the kind that unravels.
Those joys will cause
you to break the clean
line of yourself - sway,
fall to knees. Towers
play at being invulnerable,
and in that, communicate
the holy, though they may
not be able to receive it.
*Title of a space on The Paths of Life board game, published in 1840