Prayer During a Storm


Spirit, flow in many waters 

of my soul. Spirit, move me 

from my wall of foxes, from my throat

of toxins, from my tongue of wax. 

Spirit of the sleeping God, 

of the swimming God, 

of the testing God, no, 

no, Spirit of the living God, come. 

Come in the wake of the morning, 

in the wake of the storm, 

the wake of the sea— 

oh come, Lord, come

tear me limb-from-limb

smash this misshapen clay 

build from my brokenness a bowl 

to catch the rain. 

Bethany Jarmul

Bethany Jarmul is an Appalachian writer and poet. She’s the author of two chapbooks and one poetry collection. Her work has been published in many magazines including Rattle, Brevity, HAD, and Salamander. Her writing was selected for Best Spiritual Literature 2023 and Best Small Fictions 2024, and has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, The Best of the Net, Best Microfiction, and Wigleaf Top 50.

Abraham (Lincoln)


Catch & Release