Magnalite Pot


8 Qts / 7.5 Liter

Scorched bottom seen a roux or two
Mama keeps it stored below the drawers 

That house miscellaneous coupons 
The same drawers my curious fingers

Would root through as a bored child
Before we moved when the first flood

Crept through the backyard and up the porch 
Fleur de lis all swoops embossed on the silver

Underside and the mind remembers gold
But it’s really the toasted stains of red gravy and roux

The color of peanut butter (a little darker) because that’s how
Mama taught it—grab a chair and keep stirring

Smelling like the three days of fall when
The windows stayed open and the air felt dry

Madeline Trosclair

Madeline Trosclair is a writer from Southeast Louisiana pursuing a Masters of English in Creative Writing at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. With an emphasis on ecological poetry, her work has been featured in  The Madrigal, The Tide Rises Journal, and Moss Puppy Magazine. She is fond of bayous, cooking, and warm light.


For the Wages of Love is Grief

