

I’ve seen two stones,
when touched

clutched & suffered 
before it shone as if a newborn      star.

I’ve rubbernecked my face upon a river.
It blazed as if a stricken match. Scattered
patchwork, ricrac, riven scribbles… 
Inside an owl’s eye, a bridal chamber, 
a place one darkness greets another. 
Memory ambers over aspens, land
like scrollwork nibbled by unbridled sun.
Crowds of morels. I linger over inter-
looping vines & nettles. Niggle scabs 
on oaks. Poke cicatrized letters. Fiddle 
with the slick mucosa oozing over burls.    
I fondle sap trickling down ponderosa 
bark, pillbugs spilling loose on logs. Rot’s 
a time-lapse anamnesis: all once-living 
organs break in shattered pieces. Shadows
lattice. Boscage, bracken, cockle, tansy
canopy this lace of thickets—potlatch
of orts & hips of deadfall. Aloft,  
one redwing blackbird dips
off twisted bristlecone. 

                                           Now thistledown
pours earthward. Orphic hours, I listen for 
a chorus of vireos, orioles & dusky grouse.
I leer at the delirious greengold of each june
bug crawling over twiggy gravel. Dancefloor 
atoms: ground’s décor. Each fold & ligature
figuring the body. I pick quartz pebbles winking 
pinkish. Seed-heads hover. Milkweed scatters. 
Its script borne up on airy travels. I browse 
for acorn caps & ragwort blossoms, toadflax, 
spurge & scat—a scuttlebutt of agates, fossils, 
frass & molts. Such curios that map me home. 
Unpublishable waste: pips & nubbins, bonemeal, 
pap & ick. Thick kernels in the rubble. Oro-
genic traces, fribble, xenocrysts & marl— 
they rub upon each other, blaze then fizzle,
so much rubbish raptured from the muck.
We are but fragments of eternal fire.

Will Cordeiro

Will Cordeiro has work published or forthcoming in AGNI, Bennington Review, Copper Nickel, The Threepenny Review, and THRUSH. Will won the 2019 Able Muse Book Award for Trap Street and is co-author of Experimental Writing: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology, forthcoming from Bloomsbury. Will co-edits Eggtooth Editions and teaches in the Honors College at Northern Arizona University.




Two Poems